A company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (commonly abbreviated EBITDA,[1] pronounced /iːbɪtˈdɑː/,[2] /əˈbɪtdɑː/,[3] or /ˈɛbɪtdɑː/[4]) is a measure of a company's profitability of the operating business only, thus before any effects of indebtedness, state-mandated payments, and costs required to maintain its asset base. It is derived by subtracting from revenues all costs of the operating business (e.g. wages, costs of raw materials, services ...) but not decline in asset value, cost of borrowing, lease expenses, and obligations to governments. Though often shown on an income statement, it is not considered part of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) by the SEC[5] and the SEC hence requires that companies registering securities with it (and when filing its periodic reports) reconcile EBITDA to net income. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnings_before_interest,_taxes,_depreciation_and_amortization (more)

aka profit

Customer Development focused instead of Product-Driven Auteur Theory? Peter Drucker: There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. (more)

Venkatesh Rao: So You Think You're Customer-Driven? I've made no secret of my strongly partisan belief that being product-driven is a far superior stance than being customer-driven, but I've never properly unpacked why I think that. Here's the main reason: To be product-driven you merely have to be a talented person in a specific narrow and easily testable way. But to be genuinely customer-driven, you have to be a better person in a hard-to-test way. Add to that my priors that talent is common, but genuine good character is rare, and you'll understand why I have the bias I do. (more)

When a businesses priorities/culture and growth are focused on product management for customer success. (more)

big-business guru, early work was based on years of research with General Motors, "created" Management by Objectives" (more)

‘Burn. It. The. F#&!. Down.’ In early March, Ben Hunt was livid. “I haven’t said this in a while,” he noted, repeating what has become his signature line: “Burn. It. The. Fuck. Down.” (BITFD) (more)

Burn It The F* Down

Periods where different strategies made sense (more)

Ash Maurya: How to Achieve Breakthrough by Embracing Constraints. In its early days, Southwest Airlines had to sell one of their planes or face bankruptcy (more)

It's Design Week, so the Cooper Hewitt museum is free all week. There's an interesting-sounding exhibit on Urban Development in China. (more)

A limiting/gating factor/attribute. Could be a law of physics, could be a game-rule (culture), could be a side-effect of other decisions. The Theory of Constraints says that a business usually has 1 primary constraint, its Bottleneck.

Taylor Pearson on The Truth about How Creativity Really Works. John Boyd was a fighter pilot.. (more)

Bob Sproull: The Goal Tree Part 1: A complaint I have heard many times is that a full TP (Logical Thinking Process) analysis typically takes several days to complete and let’s face it, a regular executive team simply doesn’t have that kind of time to spend on this. (more)


biggest part of Big Media (more)


Who voted for Donald Trump? Why? (more)

Timothy Ferriss Physical Fitness book. ISBN:0307463656. I have 2 semi-self-contradictory criticisms of this book. It preaches from a Self Experimentation (Quantified Self) perspective, but: (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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Beware the War On The Net!



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